Gianni & Origoni offers a high-quality trademark registration service, dedicated to national and international clients in the fields of art, luxury, fashion, food and beverage, media, sports and telecommunications. Our team of intellectual property experts has a deep understanding of the complexities of the global market. We are dedicated to protecting your rights with targeted and specific advice.
Investing in trademark registration is essential for the safety of your brand. We accompany clients at every stage of the process, from the verification of availability to registration with the competent authorities. We analyze individual needs, proposing customized solutions that effectively respond to your objectives.
In addition to registration, we offer support on trade secrets and patent infringements. We also deal with copyright protection and opponents in the event of unfair competition. Our experience allows us to guarantee a robust and agile defense of your interests.
Choose Gianni & Origoni for strategic and integrated advice on trademark registration and the protection of your intellectual property. Your innovation deserves maximum protection.
Gianni & Origoni offers a high-quality trademark registration service, dedicated to national and international clients in the fields of art,...