Choose Bird & Bird in Rome for your trademark registration, benefiting from unparalleled experience in intellectual property law. Our team, specialized in the sectors of communication, life sciences, healthcare, aviation, defense and renewable energy, is ready to provide you with customized solutions for all your legal needs.
We particularly distinguish ourselves in the retail, consumer goods, media, entertainment and sports sectors. Each member of our team brings unique skills and a targeted approach, ensuring highly specialized legal assistance. Giovanni Galimberti is an authority in the field of trademark, patent and design registration. His expertise in the protection of trade secrets and copyright is recognized and appreciated by a wide range of clients, who rely on his advice for effective strategies.
Massimiliano Mostardini, with a solid experience in litigation and intellectual property matters, faces every legal challenge with professionalism. His deep knowledge of tech regulations ensures efficient management of the legal needs of your business. Contact us to protect your brand with a team capable of making a difference in the Italian legal landscape. Use our expertise to advance confidently in your market.
Choose Bird & Bird in Rome for your trademark registration, benefiting from unparalleled experience in intellectual property law. Our team,...