Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP protect your brand by providing trademark registration services. With over 55 years in this field of practice, we excel to safeguard your intellectual property. We understand that, due to various complications of trademark registration, each case may need individual guidance with special concerns to a specific business.
Trademark protection is critical to the identification and protection of a brand. We conduct thorough trademark searches to identify existing conflicts. We formulate an application strategy that will best position the application for successful registration. Our attorneys are experienced in both state and federal trademark law to ensure your application will be prepared and submitted to meet all requirements necessary for its approval.
Beyond registration, we provide follow-through service, including monitoring your trademarks and resolving any disputes that may arise. Excellence is what compels us to handle the complexities of trademark law on your behalf. At Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP, we forge long-term relationships, concentrating on what really matters: protecting your interests and preserving the integrity of your brand.
First and foremost, set your brand on track to a well-secured future. Contact us today to consult with a few specialists leading your trademark journey.
Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP protect your brand by providing trademark registration services. With over 55 years in this field of practice, we...