The Shanghai office of Winston & Strawn provides professional and business-specific trademark search services. Our group of foreign-qualified attorneys in both Chinese and international trademark law develops keen eyes in the art of identifying potential conflicts and risks within a trademark landscape and how to best protect your brand.
The legal landscape of both the West and China itself can be quite tortuous in nature. Our lawyers have experience in creating harmony between these two sets of legal principles, which are quite apart in nature. We can therefore offer practical advice that enables bridging of both cultural and commercial divides. Existing trademarks are carefully analysed so you can confidently make strategic decisions in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
At Winston & Strawn, the relationship with our clients is paramount. Your goals drive our tailored trademark search services, backed by comprehensive market research. Our proactive approach ensures that you receive timely and relevant information to stay competitive while making informed decisions about trademark registration and use in China's premier financial center.
Contact us today for your comprehensive trademark search services to help your business goals. Let us help you surmount all the complexities associated with trademark protection effectively.
Trademark Search ServicesThe Shanghai office of Winston & Strawn provides professional and business-specific trademark search services. Our group...