Looking for expert trademark search services? Lombard Geliebter, a top intellectual property law firm in NYC, has you covered. Established in 2009, they specialize in trademark, patent, copyright, and trade dress litigation.
With a strong focus on IP litigation and related business matters, Lombard Geliebter offers a range of services to meet client needs. From federal and state court litigation to patent and trademark prosecution, their experience speaks for itself.
In addition to litigation and prosecution, Lombard Geliebter helps with clearance, filing strategies, and portfolio maintenance. They handle TTAB and PTAB proceedings, ITC proceedings, UDRP/domain disputes, licensing agreements, and digital/technology contracts.
What sets them apart is their personalized attention to each client. They take the time to understand unique needs, tailoring services accordingly. Trust Lombard Geliebter for trademark search services. Contact them today to learn more about protecting your intellectual property rights.
Looking for expert trademark search services? Lombard Geliebter, a top intellectual property law firm in NYC, has you covered. Established in 2009,...