Bruce Abramson, a leading Trademark Attorney, combines his extensive knowledge in intellectual property law with practical experience to serve a global client base. With a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University and a J.D. from Georgetown Law, Dr. Abramson provides a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and legal frameworks. As President of Informationism, Inc. in San Francisco, he offers targeted consultancy services that cover trademarks, patents, and copyrights.
Navigating the complexities of IP law can be challenging for any business. Dr. Abramson specializes in helping clients maximize their strategic advantages while minimizing potential risks. His attention to detail in antitrust analyses ensures that competitive practices comply with legal standards.
Businesses can rely on his expertise in damages, remedies, and valuation analyses, tailored specifically for litigation and regulatory scenarios. He delivers practical, actionable solutions that empower clients to protect their intellectual property effectively. Whether you require assistance with trademark registration, enforcement, or litigation, Dr. Abramson devises customized strategies that can enhance your business growth.
Partner with Bruce Abramson to benefit from his deep understanding of the nuances in intellectual property law. Gain strategic insights and the guidance necessary to elevate and secure your innovations in today's competitive landscape.
Bruce Abramson, a leading Trademark Attorney, combines his extensive knowledge in intellectual property law with practical experience to serve a...