At BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT, we excel in providing expert trademark attorney services. Our firm focuses on intellectual property rights, establishing itself as a leading authority in Europe. We offer a comprehensive range of services aimed at protecting and enhancing your trademarks.
At AGP Law Firm in Limassol, Cyprus, we provide exceptional trademark services to meet your business needs. Founded in 2006, our firm has developed a strong reputation for excellence and innovation in trademark law. Our dynamic team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to protecting your intellectual property rights and navigating the complexities of trademark registration and enforcement.
With over 50 years of experience, VERA ABOGADOS is a prestigious law firm specializing in intellectual property law. Our firm has a strong presence in the Andean community and has expanded its services to cover a wide range of legal areas.
Montaury Pimenta is a top Intellectual Property law firm based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our team specializes in complex IP Litigation, Prosecution, and Enforcement with a strong focus on various technical areas including electrical engineering, life sciences, software, and more. We are experienced in both national and international markets, providing our clients with comprehensive legal services to protect their intellectual property assets.
With over 50 years of experience, Gruenbaum, Possinhas & Teixeira is your trusted partner in Intellectual Property law. Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is committed to protecting your brand and trademarks. From registration to enforcement, we provide top-notch legal counsel tailored to your specific needs.
Protect your intellectual property in Brazil with DREON IP - specializing in PCT international patent applications, industrial design, and trademark services. With 20+ years of experience at the Brazil Industrial Property Office, our team provides expert representation to clients worldwide.
With over 30 years of experience, O'Conor & Power is a leading trademark attorney firm in Argentina and Latin America. Our team of lawyers, engineers, and technical professionals specialize in all aspects of intellectual property. From trademarks and patents to licensing and enforcement, we provide strategic solutions to protect our clients' valuable assets.
Werner, Juk, Baudelio & Cia., S.C. specializes in intellectual property law in Mexico and Latin America. Our team of experts offers personalized services in patents, trademarks, copyrights, and more.
With our legal and technical expertise, we handle all aspects of intellectual property law. Our team can assist with preparing, filing, and maintaining patents, trademarks, and copyrights. We also have experience in handling related litigation.
Santamarina + Steta, S.C. is a leading Mexican law firm in Mexico City, specializing in meeting clients' legal needs. Our experienced trademark attorneys focus on protecting and growing companies by navigating Mexico's trademark laws. We help clients secure trademarks, enforce rights, and manage portfolios.
Leyva, Montenegro, Trigueros, Abogados, S.C. is a trusted law firm specializing in intellectual property, litigation, pharmaceutical regulatory law, and sports law. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to safeguarding our clients' interests and mitigating risks. With a commitment to excellence, we provide high-quality legal representation to protect intellectual property rights, resolve disputes, and offer expert counsel in sports law matters.
Specialized IP boutique based in Mexico City with experienced partners, lawyers, and patent attorneys. Stand out for technical analysis capabilities in patent applications, a rare service in Mexico.
Dumont has five partners, 24 lawyers, and 25 patent attorneys who are also engineers. We excel at providing top-notch advice throughout the patent prosecution process by conducting technical analysis.
Bufete Soni in Mexico City offers top-tier legal expertise in trademarks, patents, industrial designs, copyrights, and trade names. Our team's extensive experience allows us to represent clients globally, providing comprehensive services to protect intellectual property rights. In addition to trademarks, we handle trade secrets, domain names, licensing, advertising, unfair competition, internet rights, and data protection, along with corporate and regulatory law.
Protect your business assets with ALVAREZ DELUCIO, a leading trademark attorney firm in Mexico. Our experienced team offers specialized Industrial and Intellectual Property services globally.
Founded in 2000, we have developed a vast network of collaborators to provide top-notch services at competitive rates. We help businesses navigate trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other IP rights, ensuring your brand and innovations are secure.
Protect your Intellectual Property with CLAIM S.A. in Havana. Our expert attorneys provide specialized consultancy services, including searching, registration, renewal, recordals, and licensing. We focus on safeguarding our clients' interests by effectively handling all types of Intellectual Property modalities.
Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt is a leading law firm in the Pacific Northwest, offering specialized legal services across various industries. Our team of 160 attorneys is dedicated to providing tailored solutions for clients' legal needs.
Need a trademark attorney? Look no further than Duane Morris LLP. With over 800 attorneys, we offer cutting-edge solutions for legal challenges. Our global presence in Europe and Asia sets us apart from other firms. Our track record of success and recognition by industry leaders speak for themselves.
Explore Opportunities with Ballard Spahr LLP – A National Leader in Legal Services.
Ballard Spahr LLP is a renowned law firm with a network of over 600 attorneys spanning 15 offices across the United States.
BelotIP Trademark Law, led by Jessie Belot, specializes in protecting intellectual property rights. With a keen understanding of trademark law intricacies, we are a trusted partner for safeguarding brands and innovations. Our clients rely on our expertise and commitment to excellence in securing their intellectual property assets.
Seeking international trademark advice and protection? Our experienced attorneys can help navigate global trademark registration and enforcement. With a strong strategy in place, we conduct thorough searches and file applications to safeguard your brand identity. In today's competitive marketplace, we address online and offline infringements swiftly. Whether a start-up or a large corporation, we provide tailored solutions for your trademark needs. Don't leave your brand vulnerable - contact...