Acquistare un marchio registrato in, 135 offerte

Spruson & Ferguson (Kowloon, Hong Kong) Kowloon
da $900
Trademark establishment is one of the crucial steps in branding in the competitive marketplace. Spruson & Ferguson, headquartered in Kowloon, Hong Kong, has emerged as one of the prominent concerns providing intellectual property services to the Asia-Pacific region. Their services encompass...
Eagle IP Limited (Kowloon, Hong Kong) Kowloon
da $1 000
Eagle IP Limited, a professional intellectual property service company specializing in cross-border services, takes care of the critical issues relating to a trademark and patents. This group is based out of Kowloon, Hong Kong. Expertise in Transforming Innovative Technology from Research Into...
HEA Law Casa Grande Miwa Building (Tokyo, Japan) Tokyo
da $850
Apply for a trademark today with HEA Law, located in the Casa Grande Miwa Building, Tokyo, Japan. Our firm is exclusively intellectual property and provides expert due diligence and more to guide you from the application process through registration. With offices in both Japan and the United...
Patent Department, Intellectual Property Division (Tokyo, Japan) Tokyo
da $800
We will handle trademark registration services with due consideration of today's legal requirements at the Patent Department-Intellectual Property Division in Tokyo, Japan. The competent team works according to the amended Copyright Act 2018, amended Trademarks Act 2019 of the Government of...
Deacons Intellectual Property Agency (Beijing, China) Beijing
da $800
To protect your brand in today's competitive landscape, look to Deacons, Beijing Intellectual Property Agency. Since establishment in 2013, we have been at the forefront of the protection and management of intellectual property. We can offer comprehensive services to attend to each and every need...
Baker McKenzie IP Agency (Beijing, China) Beijing
da $750
Baker McKenzie IP Agency (Beijing) Company Limited, or BMIP, provides high-end trademark services for companies willing to be successful in the complex Chinese market. Our experts are committed to providing top-notch legal support in trademark prosecution and registration to always keep your...
IP Service Center of Tongji University (Shanghai, China) Shanghai
da $800
We provide the best intellectual property services at the Shanghai-based IP Service Center of Tongji University. Our proficient team is right on target in accomplishing trademark registrations and managing them for you to keep your brand safe in the competitive world.
Shanghai Jianqiu Intellectual Property Agent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China) Shanghai
da $750
Shanghai Jianqiu Intellectual Property Agent Co., Ltd. has been about obtaining the most valued trademarks to guard the assets of your business. Firmly based in Shanghai, with branches across North China and the Pearl River Delta, it offers unparalleled intellectual property protection. With many...
Husch Blackwell LLP (Kansas City, USA) Kansas City
da $850
Kansas City
Kansas City-based Husch Blackwell LLP has broad and powerful intellectual property services that protect your business assets. Our team knows the best way to safeguard your trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. With decades of experience in the complexities of intellectual property...
Husch Blackwell, LLP (Kansas City, USA) Kansas City
da $1 000
Kansas City
Husch Blackwell, LLP, is based in Kansas City and offers a wide range of legal services, from insolvency to commercial bankruptcy. Our diverse team can handle the tough-to-handle issues with regard to IP law efficiently to make sure your brand gets maximum protection.
Griffiths & Seaton (Mesa, USA) Mesa
da $800
Our personalized service sets us apart. We invest time in understanding your distinct brand identity and objectives. By leveraging our industry knowledge, we adeptly navigate the complexities of trademark law, ensuring your business is shielded from potential infringement. This tailored approach...
Schmeiser, Olsen & Watts, LLP (Mesa, USA) Mesa
da $700
Schmeiser, Olsen & Watts LLP was founded in 1983 and is a top-ranking firm specializing in patent and trademark issues. We're a nationally recognized firm, taking care of everything in intellectual property for protection from large, multinational companies and public traded businesses down to...
Wax Law Group (Sacramento, USA) Sacramento
da $900
At Wax Law Group in Sacramento, we specialize in Intellectual Property law and litigation services designed for innovators and businesses. Skilled in assisting you in securing your unique creations in everything from highly complex devices to the very simple. And we represent you with...
O'Banion & Ritchey (Sacramento, USA) Sacramento
da $700
Protect your brand through the legal services of O'Banion & Ritchey LLP when buying a trademark and with matters involving intellectual property law. Our experienced team is committed to ensuring your rights are cemented. We handle every step in the process, from initial searches to filing the...
Coleman & Horowitt LLP (Fresno, USA) Fresno
da $700
Coleman & Horowitt LLP, Fresno, United States, provides solid intellectual property services to protect your innovations and enhance the value of your business. Our team is experienced in the nuances of IP law to make sure your creative assets are best protected.
Sierra IP Law, PC (Fresno, USA) Fresno
da $900
Sierra IP Law, PC provides tailored trademark representation to meet your unique requirements. Our experts will conduct thorough trademark searches that position your mark for distinction in the marketplace while also helping to avoid potential pitfalls. You can rest assured that, with our...
Nguyen & Tarbet, LLC (Tucson, USA) Tucson
da $700
Located in Tucson, USA, Nguyen & Tarbet, LLC focuses on the protection of your intellectual property rights. With years of experience, our firm provides a full range of trademark services tailored to suit your particular business needs.
Univ Of Arizona James E Rogers Law Ctr (Tucson, USA) Tucson
da $950
The University of Arizona's James E. Rogers Law Center offers comprehensive coursework in Intellectual Property Law, providing students with a profound understanding of trademark law. Our J.D. students are taught the protection, management, and enforcement of trademarks to prepare them for the...
ORTIZ & LOPEZ, PLLC Patent Attorneys (Albuquerque, USA) Albuquerque
da $750
At ORTIZ & LOPEZ, PLLC, we offer unparalleled expertise in intellectual property law. Our skilled patent attorneys in Albuquerque are committed to supporting clients across various industries, from startups eager to secure their inaugural inventions to established corporations seeking to manage...
Peacock Law P.C. (Albuquerque, USA) Albuquerque
da $950
Identifying and protecting your brand's identity is extremely important in the modern competitive market. At Peacock Law P.C., Albuquerque, we offer tailored trademark services to fit our clients' particular needs. Our team is composed of top intellectual property lawyers who can efficiently...

Acquistare un marchio registrato garantisce l'esclusività dell'identità del tuo brand nella regione, con 135 opzioni disponibili. Il processo è semplificato seguendo questi passaggi pratici.

Vantaggi dell'acquisto di un marchio registrato

  • Protezione legale: Garantisce protezione contro l'uso non autorizzato del tuo marchio.

  • Credibilità sul mercato: Aumenta la fiducia e la reputazione.

  • Diritti esclusivi: Conferisce diritti esclusivi sul tuo logo o nome.

Tipi di marchi disponibili

  • Marchi denominativi: Nomi, slogan o frasi.

  • Marchi figurativi: Loghi, simboli o elementi artistici.

  • Marchi combinati: Combinazione di parole e simboli.

Acquistare un marchio registrato in, 135 annunci

Guida passo passo per acquistare un marchio registrato

  1. Cercare marchi disponibili: Esplora database regionali per trovare marchi disponibili tra le 135 offerte.

  2. Verificare la proprietà: Conferma i diritti del venditore tramite documenti legali per evitare complicazioni.

  3. Controllo legale: Consulta un avvocato per garantire che non ci siano conflitti con marchi esistenti.

  4. Negoziare i termini: Determina il prezzo e i termini di trasferimento, comprese le restrizioni su licenze o usi futuri.

  5. Finalizzare il trasferimento: La formalizzazione di un accordo di cessione di marchio trasferisce legalmente i diritti in.

Errori comuni da evitare

  • Documentazione incompleta: Insisti sempre per ottenere un certificato originale di proprietà.

  • Marchi non registrati: Verifica lo stato del marchio.

  • Malintesi sui diritti d'uso: Stabilisci limitazioni territoriali e specifiche del settore.

Come acquistare un marchio registrato in, 135 opzioni

Fattori da considerare nella scelta di un marchio

  • Rilevanza per il tuo brand: Allineato all'identità della tua attività.

  • Distintività: Evita confusione con i concorrenti.

  • Adattabilità al mercato: Adatto per esigenze di espansione o rebranding.

Strumenti e risorse

Strumento Obiettivo Accessibilità
Strumenti di ricerca Identifica marchi esistenti Database online
Consulenti legali Offrono consulenza specializzata in marchi Studi professionali
Modelli di cessione Semplificano il trasferimento di proprietà Formati scaricabili

Lista di controllo prima di finalizzare

  • Valida la storia del marchio.

  • Conferma l'esclusività in.

  • Verifica i requisiti di conformità locale.

Costi stimati in

Tipo Fascia di prezzo ($) Costi aggiuntivi ($)
Marchi registrati 2.000 - 5.000 500 - 1.000
Elementi grafici 1.500 - 4.000 300 - 800
Pacchetti combinati 3.000 - 7.000 700 - 1.200

Domande frequenti sull'acquisto di marchi in

  1. Quanto tempo ci vuole per completare l'acquisto? Da 2 a 4 settimane, generalmente include la revisione legale e il trasferimento.

  2. Posso acquistare un marchio non registrato? Sì, ma non deve causare conflitti e deve essere registrabile.

  3. Quali documenti devo fornire? Prova di proprietà, accordo di cessione e identificazione dell'acquirente.

  4. Ho bisogno di consulenza legale? Assolutamente, è consigliabile in quanto potrebbero esserci molti ostacoli che potrebbero portare a controversie o problemi normativi.

  5. Posso acquistare marchi in diverse classi? Sì, purché non entrino in conflitto con diritti esistenti in.

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