Hauptman Ham, LLP specializes in trademark search. With locations in Tokyo, Japan, and near the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, Virginia, we bring over 60 years of experience to you. Our dynamic team of more than 20 attorneys, agents, and technical consultants draws on a broad range of experiences from the many fields of intellectual property law to assist and represent your interests.
Trademark searches may be complex, but our highly trained professionals guarantee a complete review and analysis necessary to protect your brand. Utilizing advanced approaches, we take a fine-grained analysis of the potential conflicts along with calculating risks related to these conflicts. Proficient across diversified verticals that range from electronics, mechanical to chemicals, this is a customized offering to the client's need.
Hauptman Ham, LLP is devoted to excellence in the delivery of trademark services, paying attention to every detail from the very first personalized advice to competent follow-through with each step involved in making the right mark. You can count on us for precision in securing and safeguarding your rights in intellectual property. Reach out today to take control with confidence.
Trustworthy Trademark Search ServicesYour Leading Intellectual Property ExpertsHauptman Ham, LLP specializes in trademark search. With locations in...